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St. Margaret's Church, Crotone, deconsecrated church in Crotone, Italy

Location: Crotone

Address: via Santa Margherita

Source: Wikimedia


St. Margaret's Church, Crotone Deconsecrated church in Crotone, Italy

Italy 0 m
St. Margaret's Church, Crotone
St. Margaret's Church, Crotone Deconsecrated church in Crotone, Italy
Italy 0 m
Colonnades of Piazza Pitagora Ancient neo-Doric order colonnade in Crotone, Italy

Italy 55 m
Colonnades of Piazza Pitagora
Colonnades of Piazza Pitagora Ancient neo-Doric order colonnade in Crotone, Italy
Italy 55 m
Croton Ancient Italian city-state

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Croton Ancient Italian city-state
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Monument to the WWI fallen War memorial in Crotone, Italy

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Monument to the WWI fallen
Monument to the WWI fallen War memorial in Crotone, Italy
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House of Culture, Crotone Cultural centre in Crotone, Italy

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House of Culture, Crotone
House of Culture, Crotone Cultural centre in Crotone, Italy
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Archbishop's Palace, Crotone Palazzo di Crotone

Italy 114 m
Archbishop's Palace, Crotone
Archbishop's Palace, Crotone Palazzo di Crotone
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Crotone city walls 16th-century city walls of Crotone, Italy

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Crotone city walls
Crotone city walls 16th-century city walls of Crotone, Italy
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Bastion of Toledo Bastion in Crotone city walls

Italy 150 m
Bastion of Toledo
Bastion of Toledo Bastion in Crotone city walls
Italy 150 m
« St. Margaret's Church, Crotone - deconsecrated church in Crotone, Italy » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.